Xitron’s Navigator Harlequin RIP
Xitron’s Navigator Harlequin RIP is a best-in-class implementation of Global Graphic’s Harlequin RIP technology. Providing prepress environments with fast, predictable, and reliable interpretation of PostScript, PDF, and EPS format files, Navigator is the most trusted name in RIP architecture – with over 35,000 installations worldwide.
Building on this successful foundation, Navigator Workflow adds cross-platform functionality and user control from any Mac or PC workstation on the network. Protracted scalability enhances performance while maintaining the overall low cost of ownership.
Navigator Harlequin RIP Features

Low Cost of Ownership
Prolong the life of your expensive CtP systems by updating only the element that requires attention — the software! Productive RIP and workflow modules are the least expensive components to replace, keeping your system current with modern design and layout applications like CS Cloud.

Job Tracking and Search
Navigator conforms to your environment. Whatever your naming convention — ticket number, customer, job, date, or combination of several key fields — Navigator’s intelligent search feature works across all workflows in real time. You won’t waste a moment locating jobs in the system.

PDF 2.0 Compatibility
One of the first RIPs to meet the new PDF 2.0 specification, Navigator ensures proper interpretation of PDF 2.0 job files. Take advantage of new feature support such as Page-Level Output Profiles, Black Point Compensation, and Spectrally Defined Spot Color values.

One size does not fit all. Navigator allows you to build a prepress system suiting your needs, not the wishes of your plate or output device vendor. From in-RIP trapping to ink key presetting, pre-flighting to load-balancing, Navigator’s modular design ensures that you pay only for the features that make sense for you.

A Preview That Doesn't Stop Production
View RIPed data from any workstation… without halting the RIP and stifling production. Choose from multiple magnifications, single plates or combos, spot colors, and traps down to the pixel level. Verify the data before it makes its way to the plate and costs you money.

Network-Wide Access
Client/Server architecture allows your jobs to be accessed from anywhere, not just at the output device. Cross platform compatibility and administrative security give operators the precise job control they need, right from their own workstations.

Output to Hundreds of Devices
Xitron built its reputation as an alternative to proprietary systems. If you want to keep your current output device while improving your prepress production, Xitron probably has the answer. Whether you are running offset, flexo, digital, commercial, packaging, labels, or dozens of other applications, most major markets and methods are covered.

Interpretive Accuracy
New PDF functionality can cause problems for older RIPs. Native PDF processing means features like transparency are handled cleanly and correctly, greatly reducing interpretation errors while saving you time and money.