EFI Roll to Roll Digital Printers


Arrow Digital is proud to announce that EFI Digital Printers have received the Certification for type II for Wallcoverings with No Lamination or Coatings. The Electronics For Imaging, INC. ( EFI™) has been the principal producer of a wide range of printers, inks, and digital front ends since its inception.

The EFI™ range of digital printers has always been cited as one of the superior-quality printers in the market that focus on maximizing productions and offering scalable digital solutions for businesses, fashion brands & designers.

By Achieving the Type II Certification For Wallcoverings With No Laminations Or Coatings For Its Roll-To-Roll Digital Printers. EFI™ has again proved that its digital printers are the pioneers in today’s market.

Type II Certification For Wallcoverings With No Laminations Or Coatings.

EFI™ ROll to Roll Digital Printers are versatile Printers that offer ingenious innovations for super wide-format graphics production printing.

These printers have proved their credibility and integrity for producing superior quality wide format graphics by achieving the Type II Certification that validates the quality and durability of prints used for Décor Applications.

Type II Certification for wallcoverings is centered on the Wallcovering Association W-101 & ASTM F793 Standards.

What Is The Type II Certification?

The Type II Certification is a  notable certification that is an undeviating indicator for:

  • Quality
  • Safety
  • Durability

Of Wallcoverings.

For judging its efficiency and durability further, The Wallcovering was also tested thoroughly on the following parameters:

  • Durability
  • Tear-Resistance
  • Scrubbability & Washability
  • Color Fastness
  • Class A Fire Retardancy & Safety And several other parameters as well.

The EFI™ Roll-To-Roll digital UV LED Printers are also awarded the Class A Fire rating along with the Type II Certification, following the Wallcovering Association’s evaluations and ASTM E84.

Significance Of The Type II Certification

Distinctive from other Type II Certifications for digital inkjet printers, EFI’s new Type II Certification focuses solely on wallcoverings produced without lamination or coating.

The Wallcoverings produced by the EFI™ Roll-To-Roll digital printers submitted for achieving this certification were printed and tested on the 20 oz. DreamScape® Line of Wallcovering base material that was provided by Rockaway, N.J-based Roysons™.

The Type II Certification certificate can be looked upon as rock-solid proof by Print Service Providers.

It offers a high assurance and guarantees that products produced by these printers conveniently meet all the critical regulatory aspects of an actual commercial wall covering.

Type II Certification Applications

The Type II Certification awarded to the EFI printers applies to EFI’s extensive portfolio of UV LED roll-to-roll printers that include:

  • EFI Pro 32r+
  • EFI VUTEK 3r+/ 5r+
  • EFI VUTEK D3r/D5r
  • EFI VUTEK Q3r/Q5r

The Type II Certification and the existing UL GREENGUARD GOLD Certifications specific for selected inks makes EFI roll-to-roll solutions the ideal choice for :

  • Wallcoverings
  • Decor
  • Indoor Applications

The two certifications complement each other perfectly, offering complete coverage on the performance, safety and durability of indoor applications.


EFI has always strived at offering powerful and modern printing solutions that aim at maximizing the production values of businesses, companies and fashion brands.

The EFI roll-to-roll printers can efficiently deliver up to nine colors and feature a robust resolution.

The printers come equipped with various optional features which give them a boost for all the Roll Applications and give customers the ease of printing and finishing.

The line up of the EFI roll-to-roll printers easily covers up all production needs, the most productive portfolio being of the EFI VUTEK Q5r, capable of printing up to 7,233 square feet (672 square meters) per hour! Truly tremendous!

The roll-to-roll printers UV LED Curing offers practical cost-effectiveness and an environmentally friendly printing solution that aims to consume lesser energy and enables the use of thinner, lowering cost substrates.

The roll-to-roll UV LED Printers also feature EFI’s “Power Tool” options that offer much more advanced productivity and capabilities that include:

  • In-line quality inspection
  • In-line slitting and cutting
  • Roll and Tape collection
  • Auto-calibration
  • Automated Backlit Printing
  • And many more significant and production maximizing features.

EFI offers a wide range of roll-to-roll printers that offer superior printing solutions to all types of businesses, fashion houses & designers.

Get the EFI™ ROLL-TO-ROLL UV LED PRINTERS from Arrow Digital Pvt. Ltd, the only trustworthy name in the printing industry offering a wide range of printing machines along with their substrates at affordable costs.

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